House Museum

The museum house was built by John Marts at 410 S. Ankeny Boulevard in 1905.He married the daughter of Mr. Ed W. Neveln (Superintendent of Ankeny Schools from 1921-1943), and they lived in the house for several years. Ed and his wife Bertha also lived in the house a few years after them. The Abel T. McCleary family then lived in the house for 40 years--they were the last family to live there. They sold the house to Bud Wiuff, and he donated it to the Historical Society in 1995 to be moved for a museum and to make room for a retail business on that location. After getting the necessary approvals, our fund-raising committee began efforts to raise $100,000. The house was moved to its current location at 301 SW 3rd Street on August 20, 1995, on ground leased to the Society by the Ankeny School District. The location was “perfect,” since the Superintendent’s family members had lived in the house before! More than $83,400 in donations and $35,00 in-kind services were raised to move and restore the house. Firemen from the Ankeny Volunteer Fire Department moved most of the large artifacts and display cases into our new home. Members and volunteers contributed countless hours to prepare the house for an open house event one year later, with a ribbon cutting, ice cream social, and tour on August 25, 1996. Our museum is also open for tours by appointment, and we hold special events throughout each year for members and community residents. Museum tours are given each year for school classes, scout groups, civic organizations, etc. by Society members. Call or email us to make your reservation!

In the house...

A Victorian parlor with a player piano.
A bedroom fully furnished in early 20th century style.

An early 20th century children's play room with period toys and doll houses.
The basement is a meeting room that houses some artifacts and displays. It's also used for our board meetings.
A 1950s kitchen with items from that era.

An early 20th century sewing room with handmade quilts.
A 1930s-40s dining room with hutch.